

SLinkator Handbook

Read "STEP BY STEP (BUILDER)" if you own the SLinkator tool and are a builder for resale.
Read "STEP BY STEP (BUYER)" if you have bought a package made with the SLinkator tool."

Watch the video:


1. Place (Rez) the package where you want to build your purchased structure.
2. Touch (Left click) the package to display the pop-up menu.
3. Choose the "Build" menu option.
4. The package will rez the objects and move them into position.
5. In Edit mode, fine tune the placement of your structure by moving the SLinkator package with the colored arrows.
6. When you are satisfied with the placement, touch (left click) the package again to bring up the following menu options:


• Build
Rez all the objects from the SLinkator object and move them into position.

• Keep
Delete all rezzed objects. The SLinkator package remains. Touch (left click) the package again and choose Build from the menu options
to rez again.

• Lock
Freeze the package contents in place so you can move the SLinkator package only. (Perhaps to hide the package for later manipulation.)
Later you can touch (left click) the package and choose the "Unlock" option to move the structure again.)

• Finish
Stops all communication between the SLinkator package and the structure. Use this only when you are satisfied with the position of your structure.
WARNING: Once you choose Finish, the structure will no longer respond to SLinkator package, so if you need to delete the structure you
must do so manually.
Instead of "Finish" I recommend that you use the "Lock" option and simply hide the SLinkator package, perhaps with textures and phantom options.
This way, if you decide to move the structure later, all you need to do is touch (left click) the SLinkator package and choose the "Unlock" option to move the structure again.
NOTE: The Finish option is provided (and recommended) in cases where there might be script conflicts with existing objects.
However, it is possible to simply remove the conflicting SLinked script from the problem object, although that object will have to be moved manually from then on.
Additionally, the Finish option is useful in areas where lag is a problem to stop the (minor but constant) communication between the SLinkator package and the structure parts.

• Help
Displays the Help file and provides a link to the official blog.

Tool developed by Fermat Euler
Please IM me with questions, suggestions ....

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